VinumAI makes your wine app smarter!

VinumAi is an API that can be used for the development of successful digital products in the wine and sparkling wine industry.

VinumAI provides a variety of AI models with which it is possible to process different types of data relating to the wine and sparkling wine product. This includes the evaluation of image information, natural language texts, as well as the processing of tabular data.


What can VinumAi do?

Recognise typical wine-relevant characteristics

Independent recognition of wine-relevant characteristics on photos of wine bottles (e.g. organic certificates and awards): VinumAI currently recognises 20 typical product features automatically.

VinumAI is a foundation for start-ups, market research and tech companies that want to open up new business areas in the digital wine business.

Trend detection and predictions

Which wine award is common right now? Which ones are newly on the rise? VinumAi recognises trends in data and can make predictions.

What would a hypothetical product cost at a discounter vs. grocery retailer? VinumAi can simulate prices and perform A/B tests. This allows you to quickly and cost-effectively arrive at data-based statements that form the basis for successful decisions.

Classification and enrichment of data

From which growing regions come which wines that have high sales?

These and similar questions can be answered easily based on data. VinumAi thus provides more detailed statements about wine products than was previously possible.

Shape the future

For whom is VinumAi?

Tech Companies

Established companies that want to add smart, AI-based functionalities to their existing offering. Open up new sales channels and revenue opportunities.

Wine Start-Ups

Start-ups that want to build a digital application around wine and wine-related products. VinumAi is the data base on which start-up ideas are founded.

Market Research

Market research institutes that want to take their research to a new level using artificial intelligence. VinumAi enriches research data and thus generates new insights.


We have developed VinumAi

Volker Kettenbach profile image

Volker Kettenbach

Managing Director

Dipl. Wirtsch.-Inform. (TU Darmstadt)

As Dipl. Wirtsch.-Inform. (Diploma in Business Informatics) and an entrepreneur in the Internet business, Volker has many years of experience with technical solutions.

Jasmin Kettenbach profile image

Jasmin Kettenbach

Senior Partner

Dipl. Ing. (HS Geisenheim)

Jasmin has over 25 years of experience in category management for the Aldi Group at Mack und Schühle AG, Owen/Teck and others.

The sales and marketing team

We take care of you!


The "Software-Team"

We work every day to ensure that the software systems process all data as required.


The "wine" team

We ensure on a daily basis that all necessary data is available in the desired quantity and quality.


Sounds exciting? We look forward to talking to you!

Open Positions

For more information about a career with Verivinum, please see the webpage of Vicosmo.